Under the name "C³IP" Cologne Chip introduces several ASIC IP cores to the market. The vast experience in ASIC design has led to an in-depth know-how especially in the field of telecommunication interfaces. Successful launches of many ICs and millions of sold microchips underline the company’s expertise in ASIC and FPGA design.
Design Approach
The first Cologne Chip IP cores are based on the innovative DIGICC technology. Traditionally telecommunication ICs require analog cores making designs inflexible and expensive. New DIGICC-based C³IP does offer fully digital implementations instead of these analog functional blocks. This sounds "impossible" even for the experienced hardware engineer - but it works!
Discover more about the benefits of C³IP. Available are PLLs and CODECs:
[su_box title="Get our white paper on DIGICC" box_color="#e9e9e9" title_color="#333333"]
DIGICC PLL Technology Background[/su_box]