Cologne Chip GateMate FPGA Tools Release Notes Last updated: 2024-10-24 ## 2024-10.002 * Added C_L simulation model to 'cpelib.v'. * Pass all CC_PLL parameters to post-implementation netlist. * Fixed CC_FIFO configuration for almost full/empty detection ## 2024-10.001 * Improved verilog netlist parsing. * Improved error handling for false, incomplete or missing CCF files. * Vebose multiplier warnings. * Fixed multiplier input assignments. * Fixed ODDR clock inversion. * Intelligent handling for partially connected IOBUFs. * Allow integer type reference and output clock parameters for PLL. ## 2024-07.002 * Improved warnings for combinatorial loops. * Allow 'NET' keyword in CCF for automatic buffer direction determination. * Improved CC_PLL simulation model. * Improved netlist vector parsing. ## 2024-05.002 * Initial GateMate A2 and A4 support. * Enhanced power reduction through CP-line deactivation. * Less cumbersome import of delay files using p_r's path variable. * Fixed configruation with IOSEL/ODDR and tri-state IO buffers. * Improved verilog frontend for parsing post-synthesis netlists. * Updated openFPGALoader to v0.12.1. ## 2024-02.001 * RAM pre-placement support using loc parameter. * Merge ADDF2/D to save CPE resources. * Improved SDF generator for timing simulation with modelsim and questasim. * Improved cpelib. * Improved openFPGALoader support for JTAG chains. * Updated delay files. ## 2023-10.003 * Automatic BUFG mapping based on fanout, if more than 4 BUFG in netlist. * Symmetric placer improvements. * SerDes: Added the full set of primitive parameters. * Fixed IOSEL clock inversion. * Fixed block RAM configuration. * Updated delay files. ## 2023-08.001 * Fixed DS4 to ICOMP mapping. * Enable SERDES_CFG_EN bit during configuration for regfile access from CPE. * Fixed missing C_PXin RTL_I bit for CPE multipliers. ## 2023-07.002 * Verilog generator: Fixed output of similar signal and bus names. ## 2023-07.001 * Fixed LVDS buffer parameter parsing. * Maintain capitalization in module names. * Fixed specific inverter in CPE configuration. * Added prioritized Block RAM placement to prevent IO congestions. * Updated delay files. ## 2023-06.001 * Fixed parsing of 'UNDEFINED' pin names. * Prevent implicit declarations in cpelib. ## 2023-05.001 * Add support for the CC_FIFO_40K primitive. * Improved Block RAM placement. * Fixed Block RAM / GPIO congestions. * Updated delay files. ## 2023-04.003 * Fixed verilog parser to interpret ":" in signal names. * Revised Block RAM counter for utiliziation report. * Updated delay files. ## 2023-02.001 * Add support for register initialization during configuration. * Improved utilitation reports.